The False Narrative

A mass email campaign & subsequent message went out starting on Nov. 2, 2018 with false and misleading claims. But facts matters.

FACT #1 :No one has asked that 11 fields be eliminated  That’s false. 

FACT #2 No  proposal , that we know of, is being even considered by the County Board which requests the elimination of 11 fields. That’s false.

FACT #3 As a recipient of this email, you should request to see the proposal that this mass email is hinging their claims on.

FACT #4: Writing to the County Board to protest a non-existent proposal shows that whoever is instigating this email campaign is not relying on the facts and instead is asking that you fill the County Board members’ inboxes protesting something that doesn’t exist! 

FACT #5: Parks4everyone contains the request and the petition to the County Board which is that the public must have a transparent and public review of park data, which DPR has, but is refusing to make part of any process despite Arlington’s expert consultants who have cited the data as necessary for the POPS process.

A public, transparent and independent review, by residents and stakeholders, should be conducted in order to review  our public space’s data.  Arlington County government has this data regarding our public spaces, but is refusing to disclose it.

That’s our request — don’t buy into false narrative. 

Why a public review benefits sports users:

Sports groups, especially ones with identified field needs, would actually benefit from seeing this data so that under-utilized park and rec spaces could be adjusted to meet those needs, just as well as the rest of the needs in Arlington.

It does NOT benefit your ability to play sports if unneeded fields & rec spaces are being held onto instead of converted to other under-served recreational uses.


The mass email says“[Parks4everyone] have proposed to eliminate 11 sports fields in Arlington…”   Read the Response by P4E 

“Field for Kids” Read the response by P4E