Misleading Rhetoric

STOP the madness!

Sharing inaccurate, unsubstantiated information undermines the opportunity for individuals to engage in finding solutions that will make Arlington better for everyone. Here are some examples of misleading rhetoric that we are actively trying to correct. If you have examples to add to this page, please send them to us via the “contact us” form.

Erroneous (and coded) statements by process leaders accusing critics as simply naysayers that chose to not get involved.

The notion that critics of the PSMP were unengaged, didn’t show up, or participate is just plain wrong. P4E and other county residents spent hundreds of hours advocating for the greater good including

  • attendance at engagement open houses,
  • follow up meetings and correspondence with staff,
  • an extensive FOIA request that resulted in months of prodding to get all of the data released,
  • review and extrapolation of the data,
  • hours of follow up with the County Board members and commission chairs,
  • presentation to the County Board members,
  • a panel discussion and adoption of a resolution at the January 8th Civic Federation meeting,
  • participation in multiple online and in-person forums,
  • numerous letters and petitions, and
  • populating a website for citizen-driven, fact-based education.

Two years of your tremendous effort, coupled with the formal process, has resulted in an approved PSMP  that is more inclusive of basic core elements necessary to make Arlington parks welcoming and that have utility for everyone now and in the decades to come.

County Manager’s statement contained numerous misleading and baseless assertions which necessitated both P4E and the Civic Federation to respond and correct them.

Debunking the false messaging from special interests:

If you’ve been directed here from a mass emailing saying,“[Parks4everyone] have proposed to eliminate 11 sports fields in Arlington …” Then you should know….You’ve been fed a misleading narrative

Parks4everyone is demanding transparency from Arlington County and   to ensure that internal data has been made part of a public and independent process. 

What you can do to stop the misinformation campaign and have better data and processes